Applications for All Solutions

  • e-Prescribing - FDB offers intuitive clinical decision support that provides proven consistency of prescribing across different healthcare settings.
  • Dispensing - FDB drug data supports pharmacy dispensing which plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety, education and satisfaction.
  • Drug Formulary Management - Supporting the needs of NHS commissioners by implementing formularies directly into the prescribing workflow.
  • Medication Safety - Multilex drug information enables evidence-based prescribing by providing essential medication safety checks to support clinicians.
  • Medicines Management - Good medicines management ensures medicines are used appropriately from both a clinical and cost perspective.
  • Budgets and Cost Swaps - Helping prescribers make better decisions with an evidence based approach to therapeutic treatment.
  • Interoperability - FDB’s data is coded to facilitate the interoperability of care records between settings enabling the reduction of medication errors.