Digital Health Rewired
The team at FDB exhibited at Digital Health Rewired 2020 conference on 4 March at London Olympia. Rewired 2020 had a focus on interoperability, innovation and digital transformation bringing together digital health start-ups and NHS IT leaders. Caroline Prouse, Product Manager for Multilex and Future CDS, was at the show and reports back on one of the key highlights of the day: the interview with Matthew Gould, CEO of NHSX.
‘Matthew Gould’s interview at DHR was really informative – he was following up on his recent blog ‘NHSX – what have we been up to’ and was being quite candid with the audience at the event. Matthew openly said that he recognised that there had been some confusion around the roles of NHS Digital and NHSX following its inception and went to lengths to clarify NHSX’s policy making role alongside NHSD’s responsibility as a statutory safe haven for data and live delivery of centralised data services. approach to the audience. A key theme of his talk was about how they will work to help define ‘what does ‘good’ look like?’ His message to the audience was that NHSX are responsible for creating a clearer definition of the processes rather than technology. The general feeling seemed to be that it was vital to get any transformation led by clinical teams and supported fully be by leadership at Trusts to be successful and ‘good’. They want to continue to use all the good work developing the blueprints from the GDE programme to help other Trusts reach the same levels of digital transformation.
Matt also spoke about the digital aspirant programme. This will provide funding over several years to assist with digital transformation projects, so that trusts can provide safe, high-quality and efficient care. The programme will aim to raise the bar across the NHS by making sure organisations have a core set of capabilities in place, which is giving helping from the centre to support deployments.
There will be waves of funding to bring those hospitals that have no digital maturity up to the level of other more established Trusts. He emphasised that this is not a ‘now or never’ funding stream, they would encourage trusts to undertake this transformation at the right time for them to get the most benefit from the investment. They are still designing the programme but are estimating between £3 and £6 million for each hospital awarded funding (which would need to be match funded over the life span of the programme).
The key takeaway from the session was that they are looking at areas of innovation, and the design of processes to support Trusts across Mental and Acute health carry out successful digital transformations, and the definition of a collaborative Technical strategy for the UK.”
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