Westminster Pharmacy Forum event
Caroline Prouse explains: “We attended the Westminster Pharmacy Forum event in London on 27 November, which focussed on the Community Pharmacy Contract that has been recently negotiated between the RPS and Department of Health. There is a focus within this contract negotiation to build on funding specifically for the delivery of non-emergency response and out of hours services rather than Medicine Use Reviews, which were previously a source of funding for pharmacies. Simon Dukes, Chief Executive from the PSNC, outlined the new contract and the key priorities of this agreement for pharmacies.
- Consultations from 111 and then referrals from GPs once network / services agreements are in place with the PCNs.
- Encouraging Collaboration across NHS Networks - £4.5bn from NHS for work in Primary Care Networks.
- Use of technology as an enabler- encouraging pharmacies to utilise Hub and Spoke prescription management systems for efficiencies in delivery.
- Quality – backdrop of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme – is currently bedding in, as first year, but it is anticipated that quality performance will be rewarded.
Over 10,000 pharmacies have signed up to the consultation services already, out of the 11,500 currently registered in the UK. This is an encouraging sign of engagement.
It was noted that the PCNs and Community Pharmacies were often in competition for funding and fees, but the new agreement is aiming to remove barriers and encourage collaboration in order to provide support to patients in the local area. With shortages of trained pharmacists qualifying and entering the market there is a greater need to share resources to provide patient centred care.”